What is West Sluts?
West Sluts is a great fucking porn game if you aren’t too interested in boring fucking gameplay and just want to fuck some hot fucking characters. The 3D models in West Sluts are really some of the best fucking women I have ever seen in a porn game. It is safe to fucking say that the creators of West Sluts have spent more time on the fucking models than any other part of this fucking game and I truly fucking thank them for that shit because the 3D models in this porn game are fucking fantastic!
The storyline of West Sluts
There isn’t really a storyline in West Sluts, to be honest. I mean, the idea behind West Sluts is that you go and find chicks to fuck, that is about as fucking complex as the storyline gets. However, that is enough for me. I don’t give a fuck that West Sluts doesn’t have a storyline, there are plenty of fucking porn games that have amazing fucking storylines, but hardly any have the sexy fucking chicks that West Sluts does. Seriously, West Sluts has the best fucking characters in it of any fucking porn game, fuck the storyline!
Is the gameplay of West Sluts any good?
Again, West Sluts is all about finding the next lass and fucking her as hard as fucking possible. So, any gameplay in West Sluts is fucking short as shit, even though, you can play West Sluts for hours and hours. West Sluts is all about the porn scenes. This game allows you to control the sex perfectly, it really makes you feel that you are controlling a porn scene with some of the sexiest chicks you have ever seen. So, I dunno if that counts as gameplay and I don’t fucking care. West Sluts is the perfect fucking game for you if you don’t want to play a fucking game, but instead, you want to control your own porn scene and fuck the granny out of some sexy as fuck chicks.
Is West Sluts worth checking out?
Fuck, yes, it is. I don’t care whether you came on this fucking porn game site to find a really immersive porn game like Narcos XXX, you have to try this fucking porn game. This porn game is fucking amazing. This is what fucking happens when a game developer makes a porn game and spends all of their budget on the 3D rendering and can’t afford to create a storyline, and I fucking love it. Sure it ain’t the best fucking porn game in the world, but it is the best way of controlling a porn scene with some sexy as fuck chicks involved that I have ever come across.
So, if you have come to this porn game site to find a really fucking in-depth porn game with levels and shit like that, West Sluts isn’t that, but it is still one of the best fucking porn games in the world!